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I am having trouble writing a SQL Statement that would update and replace all the values in my WordPress Database. I am a really just trying to replace all value of wp_capabilities with wp_130638636_capabilities in my meta_key column inside my wp_130638636_usermeta table.

See my screenshot below:

For example the line below will change one row:

UPDATE wp_130638636_usermeta SET meta_key = ‘wp_130638636_capabilities’ WHERE wp_130638636_usermeta.umeta_id = 6175;

But instead I only want to change the values of the meta_key that are wp_capabilities to wp_130638636_capabilities. If that value in meta_key doesn’t have wp_capabilities, then the value shouldnt change.

Is this correct:

UPDATE wp_130638636_usermeta SET meta_key = ‘wp_130638636_capabilities’ WHERE meta_key = wp_130638636;



  1. I believe that this is the correct statement. Update the column meta_key where meta_key is equal to ‘wp_capabilities’ to the new value ‘wp_130638636_capabilities’ This will not update any null values.

      meta_key = 'wp_130638636_capabilities'
      meta_key = 'wp_capabilities';
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  2. Update wp_130638636_usermeta Set meta_key =
        replace(meta_key, 'wp_capabilities', 'wp_130638636_capabilities')

    Try this, I have just tried and it worked like a charm.

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