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Currently what I’m trying to do is have a function that looks for if the #discountbox element is visible then clone that #discountbox element and place it after .pricebox. Right now what’s happening is that it is placing it after .pricebox and cloning it indefinitely.

How can I get the setInterval to stop after it finds #discountbox and clones it once?


<div id="discountbox" class="discount-summary">
      You get $5 Off

<div id="modal">
    <span class="price-box">



function addDiscountsummary () {
if($('#discountbox').is(':visible')){  //if the container is visible on the page
      $("#discountbox").clone().insertAfter("#modal span.price-box"); //insert add to cart button after view contents buttons     
    } else {
      setInterval(addDiscountsummary, 1000); //check every 1000 ms



  1. you’re looking for clearInterval() or as mentioned, a better solution would be to use setTimeout and clearTimeout instead

    function addDiscountsummary () {
       if($('#discountbox').is(':visible')){  //if the container is visible on the page
          $("#discountbox").clone().insertAfter("#modal span.price-box");
       } else {
          window.nextTimeout = setTimeout(addDiscountsummary, 1000); //check every 1000 ms
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  2. After it finds the button
    Call clearInterval() method to stop your interval.

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  3. clearInterval(intervalID) will do the trick.
    When your doc loads, set the interval. Make sure the ID (which I am calling interval) is first created outside of any function, available to the rest of the page. When your item is found, clearInterval(interval)

    let interval
    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
      interval = setInterval(addDiscountsummary, 1000);
    function addDiscountsummary() {
      if ($('#discountbox').is(':visible')) {
        $("#discountbox").clone().insertAfter("#modal span.price-box");
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  4. Try adding:

    var testData = !!document.getElementById("discountbox");

    To your code.
    This checks if the element exists in the code and returns true if the element exists:

    var testData = !!document.getElementById("discountbox");

    This stops the loop testData returns true.

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