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How can I store JSON Data temporary on my Apache Server. In the JSON are some user information. It would be really nice if the files would delete every 24 hours themselves.

$json_array = array(); 
 while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) 
 $json_array[] = $row; 

 $final_array = json_encode($json_array);

So like this I create the JSON File, and I could also Store this in a .json File but how can i create temp Files with this data in it. And this File should only be readable from the server.



  1. Why did you think this much ?
    why not trying php session or cookie for 24hrs or browser js localStorage ?

    if need Temp file ,create file in Apache server using php-Apache file creation and writing methods after 24hrs delete that file using Cron Job

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  2. Use file_put_contents to store data, but create some prefix for each user, so you can have separate files, and retrieve them after:

     $json_array = array(); 
     while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) 
     $json_array[] = $row; 
     $final_array = json_encode($json_array);
     $generatedName = 'userIDprefix_userData' .  '.json'; //replace userIDprefix with user ID, this way we can use prefix to store different files per user, and retrieve file for user
     //use file put contents to store data 
     file_put_contents('path/to/json/data/' . $generatedName , $final_array);

    Use file_get_contents() to retrieve file data:

     $generatedName = 'userIDprefix_userData' .  '.json'; //replace userIDprefix with user ID, this way we can use prefix to store different files per user, and retrieve file for user
     //use file put contents to store data 
     $userJSONData = file_get_contents('path/to/json/data/' . $generatedName );

    And then setup the cron to run say each 5 minutes, use glob and filemtime to scan the dir where you store data and filemtime to get timestamp of file, to compare with current date and delete if it is older than 24h

    $past24hours = strtotime('-24 hours');
    foreach (glob("path/to/json/data/*.json") as $filename) {
       if( filemtime($filename) < $past24hours ){

    Setup cron to execute the file where the script for json files deletion is to be run say, every 10 minutes:

    */10 * * * * /usr/bin/php /path/to/script/to/delete-json.php


    Do not set permissions to 777 to this folder, at least 775, or even 755.
    Also, to prevent from accessing .json files directly, put in this folder at least blank index.php, and .htaccess with content:

    #forbid access to folders and to files  
     RewriteEngine on 
     RewriteRule .(json|txt)$ - [F] 
     deny from all
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