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Hello I am interested in adding the following JSON-LD structured data to my Gatsby Site. I have tagged React in this as the response in Gatsby is typically very low. What I would like to do is follow along the example here

How do I add structured data to a Gatsby or a React site?

I am looking for both a static solution (i.e. for Contact Page) and a dynamic solution (i.e. for a Recipe Page ) to auto fill the values



  1. The best practice for creating and adding SEO is described in this official Gatsby documentation.

    You add an SEO component with React helmet:

    // src/components/SEO.js
    const SEO = ({ title, description, image, pathname, article }) => (
          site: {
            siteMetadata: {
        }) => {
          const seo = {
            title: title || defaultTitle,
            description: description || defaultDescription,
            image: `${siteUrl}${image || defaultImage}`,
            url: `${siteUrl}${pathname || '/'}`,
          return ()
    export default SEO

    On the bottom you can find some example links. The documentation describes both solutions for static and dynamic meta tags.

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  2. In your SEO component itself create two objects


      const schemaOrgWebPage = {
        "@context": "",
        "@type": "WebPage",
        url: siteUrl,
        headline: "Your Headline here",
        inLanguage: "en",
        mainEntityOfPage: siteUrl,
        description: "your description here",
        name: "your name here",
        author: {
          "@id": "author name",
        copyrightHolder: {
          "@id": "copyright holder name",
        copyrightYear: "2020",
        creator: {
          "@id": "creator name",
        publisher: {
          "@id": "publisher name",
        datePublished: "date of your publication",
        image: {
          "@type": "ImageObject",
          url: "image url",


      const orgaCreator = {
        "@context": "",
        "@id": `${siteUrl}`,
        "@type": "WebPage",
        address: {
          "@type": "PostalAddress",
          addressCountry: "put your country name",
          addressLocality: "put your locality name",
        name: "your name here",
        alternateName: "your nick name",
        description: description || defaultDescription,
        url: siteUrl,
        email: "your email address",
        founder: "founder name",
        foundingDate: "founding date",
        foundingLocation: "founding location",
        image: {
          "@type": "ImageObject",
          url: `${siteUrl}${image || defaultImage}`,
          height: "512",
          width: "512",
        logo: {
          "@type": "ImageObject",
          url: `${siteUrl}${image || defaultImage}`,
          height: "60",
          width: "60",
        sameAs: [

    Then finally add this inside Helmet tag

        <html lang="en" />
          <script type="application/ld+json">
              <script type="application/ld+json">{JSON.stringify(orgaCreator)} 

    If you want to test your structured data, once your site is deployed goto and put your website url in there, it will give you an insight on your structured data.

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