I’m trying to set a tag on an object in an AWS S3 bucket using the AWS PHP SDK V3. I can read them OK once I manually set, by doing the following:
$objecttagged = $s3client->getObjectTagging([
'Bucket' => 'mybucketname',
'Key' => $myobject['Key'],
I’ve looked through the docs on AWS and on the web but nothing seems to work. Closest I can figure is:
$result = $s3client->putObject([
'Bucket' => 'mybucketname',
'Key' => $myobject['Key'],
'Tagging' => 'status=ready'
But doing this just creates a version of the object name with zero byte size.
I assume you can add tagging to a buckets object programatically?
Has anyone got a link to docs I’ve missed or can confirm it can be done?
Thanks for the help and you are spot on with this answer - works a treat.
I hadn't added the 'TagSet' => [ part of the script and this seemed to just re-create the file, but with no content to it. Hence the zero byte size.
Hope this helps others in the future.
call doesn’t have a Body, hence you’re uploading a zero-sized object. So, correct that and your object will be uploaded with tags.If you want to apply tags after your object has been uploaded then call PutObjectTagging. For example: