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Using Twitter Bootstrap (3.3.X), I want to display these lines on desktop:

Some info
Some more info
Even more stuff

And the same on mobile view should display as (pipes as in literal character, not separate blocks if possible):

Some info | Some more info | Even more stuff

This would be on the right side of a div defined with col-md-8, or on a single line above the div if it’s on mobile.

Any ideas?



  1. You can do this with :after pseudo class and display: inline-block


    @media(max-width: 768px) {
      p {
        display: inline-block;
      p:not(:last-child):after {
        content: " |";
    <p>Some info</p>
    <p>Some more info</p>
    <p>Lorem ipsum</p>
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  2. Optionally if you are using Twitter Bootstrap 3 you can make use of the visible-*-* classes which will let you hide or show content depending on the screen size.

    Example Fiddle

    So you could use

    <p class="custom-menu">
    Some info
    <span class="visible-md-inline visible-sm-inline visible-xs-inline">/</span>
    <p class="custom-menu">
    Some more info
    <span class="visible-md-inline visible-sm-inline visible-xs-inline">/</span>
    <p class="custom-menu">
    Even more stuff
    <span class="visible-md-inline visible-sm-inline visible-xs-inline">/</span>

    You could even change the “/” character for a glyphicon o another kind of code.

    and for CSS

    /*Medium Media*/
    @media (max-width:1199px) {
      p.custom-menu{display: inline;}
    /*Small Media*/
    @media (max-width:991px) {
      p.custom-menu{display: inline;}
    /*Extra small Media*/
    @media (max-width: 768px){
      p.custom-menu{display: inline;}

    Choose whichever media query suits your needs the best.

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