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Bootstrap modals allow you to pass options through Javascript to do things such as make your modal not closable using backdrop: "static".

However, once you initialize a modal without any params $('#myModal').modal(); and then try to call it again this time with different params $('#myModal2').modal({backdrop:"static"}); the modal is still initialized with no params, in this case it is still closable even though I called it again with the backdrop: "static" option.

Is there a way to reinitialize or change the paramaters of a Bootstrap modal once it has been called?

Here is a snippet showing the issue:

$('body').on('click','#static',function() {

$('body').on('click','#modal',function() {
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src=""></script>
<a id="static" href="#myModal" role="button" class="btn" >Static Modal</a>
<a id="modal" href="#myModal" role="button" class="btn">Modal</a>

<div class="modal fade" id="myModal">
  1. Click “Static Modal” and a modal appears that cant be closed.
  2. Refresh
  3. Click “Modal” and a modal appears that can be closed, close it
  4. Click “Static Modal”, now a modal appears that can be closed, when it shouldn’t



  1. I would recommend this Bootstrap Modal plugin to solve your problem quickly:

    Back to the question here, by using above plugin, you should be able to achieve by these lines:{
          title: 'To close or not to close it, this is a question.',
          message: 'Click buttons below and see how the closing behaviors change.',
          buttons: [{
            label: 'Modal closable',
            action: function(dialog) {
          }, {
            label: 'Modal unclosable',
            action: function(dialog) {
    <script src=""></script>
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <script src=""></script>
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <script src=""></script>

    This is more like a javascript program, no html markups needed, clean and neat.

    One more example in case you would like to change the closing behaviors outside any closures of the dialog (modal) definition:

    // Prepare a dialog instance but do not open it at this moment
    var dialog = new BootstrapDialog();
    // Buttons clicked
    $('#btn-closable').click(function() {
      dialog.setTitle('This modal is CLOSABLE');
      dialog.setMessage('Just close the modal as usual.');;
    $('#btn-unclosable').click(function() {
      dialog.setMessage(function(dialogInstance) {
        var $button = $('<button>Modal Closable</button>');
        $ {
        return $button;
      dialog.setTitle('This modal is UNCLOSABLE');;
    <script src=""></script>
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <script src=""></script>
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <script src=""></script>
    <button id="btn-closable">
      Modal Closable
    <button id="btn-unclosable">
      Modal Unclosable

    The 2nd example also demonstrates a handy way to dynamically change modal title and message, and the message can also be set as a closure, which offers you opportunities of building fancy things inside the modal, in JAVASCRIPT fashion.

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  2. $.extend( $( '#myModal2' ).data( 'bs.modal' ).options, { backdrop: "static" } );


    $.extend( $( '#myModal2' ).data( 'modal' ).options, { backdrop: "static" } );

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