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because of some alterings in the page structure many of our pages changed the pid. It does not matter in SEO terms because of speaking urls but there are a bunch of third party links with wrong pids, e. g.:[0]=someWord

The page with uid 46 exists but is not the meant one, and it now resides under a different domain. So the result is the following exception:

Core: Exception handler (WEB): Uncaught TYPO3 Exception: #1518472189: 
ID was outside the domain | TYPO3CMSCoreErrorHttpPageNotFoundException 
thrown in file typo3/sysext/frontend/Classes/Controller/ErrorController.php 
in line 80. Requested URL:[0]=someWord

My question:

Can i tell TYPO3 not to throw an exception but to treat all Outside Domain Events simply as 404 with a redirect to the error page?




  1. Should be possible by ading an 404 error handling in Site Management module:
    Site Management -> Sites -> Yoursite -> Tab "Error hanling" -> Create new

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  2. Showing your 404-page with the correct status code in that case is in my experience unfortunately not too obvious.

    The simplest for ?id=... with deleted/moved pages (which because of that do not map to the correct site) is to do redirects to useful pages with EXT:redirect or on the webserver level.

    That’s an example with EXT:redirect:


    If there’s nothing comparable in the new content that you could redirect to, you can show your 404-page, e.g. by a passthrough ([PT] with Apache mod_rewrite You should make sure to send a 404 status in that case. (E.g. through .htaccess, a userFunc on the 404-page, …).

    I hope somebody else has a simpler idea.

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