I’ve difficulty to make my snippet code working on centos 7.
So, I’ve these packages installed on the box:
log4cxx.x86_64, log4cxx-devel.x86_64, apr.x86_64, apr-devel.x86_64,
apr-util.x86_64, apr-util-devel.x86_64, glib2.x86_64,
in CMakeList.txt, I’ve tried bunch of combinations (successful build), but I ended up with same result when executing the binary.
Currently, I’ve this :
find_library(LOG4CXX_LIBRARY log4cxx)
Although I’m positive that it could find the library, but i also tried:
-llog4cxx -lapr-1 -laprutil-1 -lexpat -lglib-2.0
I built with both configs, and when i run the executable output, I’ll get:
undefined symbol: _ZN7log4cxx3xml15DOMConfigurator9configureERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE
The ‘nm’ output is:
$ nm -D /usr/lib64/liblog4cxx.so | grep _ZN7log4cxx3xml15DOMConfigurator9configure
00000000000f9ff0 T _ZN7log4cxx3xml15DOMConfigurator9configureERKSbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEE
00000000000f9e40 T _ZN7log4cxx3xml15DOMConfigurator9configureERKSs
in my .cpp I’ve basically use this:
try {
catch (log4cxx::helpers::Exception&) {
fprintf( stderr, "Error on loading Log-config file" );
return -1;
ps: Same project compiles and run on FreeBSD 12 with no issue.
This appears to be a C++ standard library ABI mismatch; the mismatched symbols demangle to:
Your comment indicates you’re using GCC 10 in C++17 mode. CentOS 7 ships with GCC 4.8.5 (which doesn’t even support C++17) which is much older, and predates the ABI change to
in GCC 5.1 (first link above).The pre-built libraries you’ve installed will have been built by the “default” CentOS 7 toolchain.
At first glance, I recommend building your dependencies from source, so that everything’s built with the same toolchain.
It may be possible with some hackery, such as the
macro, to make the two line up properly, but you’ll need someone else come along to help with that if so.(The
mismatch is also interesting, though I suspect that’s just a red herring based on the order in which errors appeared.)You tagged question with C++17, but centos-7 default compiler is very old. You can install at least gcc-8 with devtoolset-8 from scl(softwarecollections). devtoolset-8 for centos 7
Also you can use define
to disable new ABI. Code compiled with this define will work on old libstdc++, that don’t have new ABI.