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I have links like

<li><a href="search.php?domainid=5&cat=electronic">Electronic</a></li>

How can I change it to

<li><a href="electronic.html">Electronic</a></li>

I have more than 50 categories.

I am using Apache web server and PHP 5.5. Need dynamic URL Rewrite for SEO friendly URL.

<li><a href="search.php?domainid=5&cat=electronic">Electronic</a></li>

this need to be

<li><a href="electronic.html">Electronic</a></li>


<li><a href="search.php?domainid=13&cat=gifts">Gifts</a></li>

this need to be

<li><a href="gifts.html">Gifts</a></li>


<li><a href="search.php?domainid=4&cat=food">Food</a></li>

this need to be

<li><a href="food.html">Food</a></li>


<li><a href="search.php?domainid=11&cat=home-decore">Home Decore</a></li>

this need to be

<li><a href="home-decore.html">Home Decore</a></li>


<li><a href="search.php?domainid=3&cat=hotels-travels">Hotels & Travel</a></li>

this need to be

<li><a href="hotels-travels.html">Hotels & Travel</a></li>

and so on…



  1. A really niave example .htaccess might contain:

    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule ^([^.]+).html$ search.php?domainid=5&cat=$1 [L]

    Edit: Regarding the domainid param, you have a couple options:

    • Add more rules to translate from say %{HTTP_HOST} to whatever id the domain maps to.
    • Modify search.php to figure it out from say $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].

    The latter is probably the sane thing to do.

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  2. Here’s the full solution

    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
      RewriteEngine on
      RewriteRule ^([a-z]*).html /search.php?domainid=5&cat=$1 [L,QSA]

    It’s only a few lines but there’s alot going on here so let’s break down what’s each little bit does

    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>

    This line just opens a stanza (block) to indicate that Apache should only execute the directives inside if the specified module is loaded. In this case, the mod_rewrite module.

      RewriteEngine on

    Pretty simple, just turns on url-rewriting in case it already wasn’t

      RewriteRule ^/([a-z]*).html /search.php?domainid=5&cat=$1 [L,QSA]

    This is where all the work happens, and it’s a bit complex so I’ll break it down further. First, the anatomy of a rewrite rule

    RewriteRule Pattern Substitution [flags]

    So let’s first look at the Pattern


    RewriteRule patterns are regular expressions – if you aren’t already familiar with those I’m afraid you’ll have to do some independent study as they are much to large a topic to cover here. But what I will say is that this pattern is designed to match any URI that starts at the root and has one-or-more contiguous lower-case alpha characters followed by .html. So it would match all of these


    But would not match any of these

    /category/electronic.html # Because it's not root relative
    /cat5.html                # Because of the number
    /something-else.html      # Because of the hyphen
    /Electronic.html          # Because of the capital E

    So as you can see, regex patterns are very explicit and sensitive, so you’ll need a full understanding of the nature of your category names in order to author a proper RewriteRule pattern.

    Another thing to note in this pattern is the parentheses around the contiguous alpha characters – that creates a “captured subgroup” which can be referenced in the Substitution portion of the RewriteRule, we we need so let’s look at that next


    This tells the rewrite engine to take matched urls and internally rewrite them to according to the above pattern. See the $1? That’s the captured subgroup we got in the Pattern so it will be replaced by whatever the captured characters were.

    The last part is the [flags]

    • L simply means “Last” which tells mod_rewrite to not try to rewrite the URL again
    • QSA is “Query String Append” which will ensure that query-string data in the requested URL will survive to the rewritten one. For example, /electronic.html?referrer=facebook would be rewritten to /search.php?domainid=5&cat=electronic&referrer=facebook

    And that’s it! You’ll almost certainly need to modify this to suit your needs 100%, but I hope this is enough to get you started.


    Here are some alternate patterns that will match different category names

    • ^/([a-z-]+).html Allows hyphens
    • ^/([a-zA-Z]+).html Allows capital letters
    • ^/([a-z0-9]+).html Allows numbers
    • ^/([a-zA-Z0-9-]+).html Allows all of the above
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