I’m using TLSharp for dealing with really complicated Telegram API.
it’s hard to understand how xxxAbswww
types can be converted to xxxwww
types which contains the real usable information!
I have the code below:
TLUser user = client.MakeAuthAsync("<user_number>", hash, code).Result;
how can I get the photo of authenticated user?
I dotn know why there is no example for TLSharp!
i am a newbe like you if you found the solution please post it here
i just discovered that TLUser has a method named “photo”
Agha Hamed,
Users’ photo is accessible using ‘userProfilePhoto’ Telegram method and TLSharp didn’t implemented this method.
But TLSharp provided some fascilities to implement other Telegram API methods. They says:
Unfortunately I don’t know how to use SendRequestAsync function to do this.
try this: