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This should be simple but despite searching I was unable to find any solution to this. How do you use vue template tags within a liquid file? Since both Vue and liquid use the same curly brackets, I’m unable to render any of my view data:

<img src="{{ product.featured_image }}" />

results in:

<img src>

There are 36 products in my parent view component.

When I try to use custom delimiters:

new Vue({
  delimiters: ['@{{', '}}'],

It won’t parse with Vue:

  GET 404 (Not Found)

UPDATE: I’m able to access Vue data with v-bind: but I still need to be able to use delimiters also.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Apparently with Shopify, you can't put these delimiters in the tag attributes at all so for those use v-bind: (the shorthand won't work). Also you have to use a single curly brace for your custom delimiter or it will still try to parse with liquid, for example:

    delimiters: ['${', '}']

    will work with:

    <span class="title">${ product.title }</span>

  2. Adding on a bit from where Kevin Compton left off, this is where you put the "delimiters" parameter:

    const ConditionalRendering = {
      data() {
        return {
          seen: true,
          someMessage: "My message"
      delimiters: ['${', '}']
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