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What’s the right way to validate and transform parameters in Redis/TCP based NestJS microservice. I understand we can use pipelines and validators for API based microservices on HTTP. Should I be contended with manual validations? Are there examples for the same?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Here's the code that did the trick. Thanks to Jay McDoniel

    import { ArgumentsHost, Catch, ExceptionFilter, Logger } from "@nestjs/common";
    import { RpcException } from '@nestjs/microservices';
    export class AWSImageOCRRequestFilter implements ExceptionFilter {
      private logger = new Logger('AWSImageOCRRequestFilter');
      catch(exception: RpcException, host: ArgumentsHost) {
        this.logger.log(, exception.message);
        return new RpcException(exception.getError());

    Above filter goes into controller for it to kick-in when invoked

    @UseFilters(new AWSImageOCRRequestFilter())
      async textractForImage(
        @Payload(new ValidationPipe({ whitelist: true }))
        scorecardReq: ScorecardRequest,

    To support this filter, I have made my DTO validation like the code below

    export class ImageOCRRequest {
      project: string;
      file: string;
      filename: string;

    If you miss any of the required parameters, you'll see an exception like below

    [Nest] 26692   - 03/23/2021, 5:11:20 PM   [RpcExceptionsHandler] Bad Request Exception +453863ms
    Error: Bad Request Exception
        at ValidationPipe.exceptionFactory (/Users/XXXXXXX/Projects/Grange/Nest/nestimageservice/node_modules/@nestjs/common/pipes/validation.pipe.js:89:20)
        at ValidationPipe.transform (/Users/XXXXXXX/Projects/Grange/Nest/nestimageservice/node_modules/@nestjs/common/pipes/validation.pipe.js:65:30)
        at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:94:5)
        at async resolveParamValue (/Users/XXXXXXX/Projects/Grange/Nest/nestimageservice/node_modules/@nestjs/microservices/context/rpc-context-creator.js:106:31)
        at async Promise.all (index 0)
        at async pipesFn (/Users/XXXXXXX/Projects/Grange/Nest/nestimageservice/node_modules/@nestjs/microservices/context/rpc-context-creator.js:108:13)
        at async /Users/XXXXXXX/Projects/Grange/Nest/nestimageservice/node_modules/@nestjs/microservices/context/rpc-context-creator.js:43:17
        at async /Users/XXXXXXX/Projects/Grange/Nest/nestimageservice/node_modules/@nestjs/microservices/context/rpc-proxy.js:11:32
        at async ServerRedis.handleEvent (/Users/XXXXXXX/Projects/Grange/Nest/nestimageservice/node_modules/@nestjs/microservices/server/server.js:63:32)

  2. Pipes still work in microservices. You can create DTOs as you usually do for HTTP and bind the ValidatioinPipe in the same way.

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