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CodeWhisperer often offers up some code too quickly and interrupts my flow.
It would be great to say "now" with a keyboard command to ask it to go into action.




  1. One way you could do this is by using VSCode Keyboard short cuts. This would allow you to choose a set of keys that would toggle (enable/disable) CodeWhisperer from running.

    From PREFERENCES>KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS in VSCode, search for "codewhisper" and this will highlight all the options.

    I selected "aws.codewhisperer.enableCodeSuggestions" and then selected a key convenient to me. Now when I want to enable/disable, I can do this using that key combination.

    enter image description here

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  2. Option+C (MacOS) or Alt+C (Windows) will manually trigger CodeWhisperer any time. You can go into the Developer Tools panel of the AWS Toolkit and click Pause Auto-Suggestions and then only manually trigger it.

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