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following code:

"use strict"

 const students = [
  {firstname: "Max", lastname: "Mustermann", age: 21},
  {firstname: "Laura", lastname: "Müller", age: 25},
  {firstname: "Julia", lastname: "Schreiber", age: 30},
  {firstname: "Tobias", lastname: "Lieb", age: 19}

console.log( typeof students.age)

returns undefined. I don’t understand why. I also added in my code a student with an empty property age and tried to get the average like the following:

  firstname: "Christian",

let ageSum = 0

for (const student in students){
 if(typeof student.age){
  ageSum += student.age

here again, i don’t understand why the typeof returns undefined. Is there a better way in JavaScript to check the type object properties before processing them?



  1. students doesn’t have an age property, hence it’s undefined. If you want to refer to an individual student’s age (using the subscript operator), you’ll see it is indeed a number:

    "use strict"
     const students = [
      {firstname: "Max", lastname: "Mustermann", age: 21},
      {firstname: "Laura", lastname: "Müller", age: 25},
      {firstname: "Julia", lastname: "Schreiber", age: 30},
      {firstname: "Tobias", lastname: "Lieb", age: 19}
    console.log( typeof students[0].age)
    // Here --------------------^
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  2. Messed with your code a bit. I prefer using an indexer when iterating javascript arrays like you were.

    const students = [
          {firstname: "Max", lastname: "Mustermann", age: 21},
          {firstname: "Laura", lastname: "Müller", age: 25},
          {firstname: "Julia", lastname: "Schreiber", age: 30},
          {firstname: "Tobias", lastname: "Lieb", age: 19}
        console.log(`Age of first student is ${students[0].age} and it's of type ${typeof students[0].age}`)
            firstname: "Christian",
        let ageSum = 0
        for (var i = 0; i < students.length; i++){            
            if(typeof students[i].age === "number"){
                console.log(`${students[i].firstname} is ${students[i].age}`)
                ageSum += students[i].age
            } else 
                console.log(`${students[i].firstname} has no age entered or it's invalid`)
        console.log(`Total age of students is ${ageSum}`)
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