I am working on a site that that is supposed to display sub-menus when you hover over both the "References" and the "Contact Us" items in the main nav. However, these items will not display.
I have tried adding hover properties via CSS to the menu & sub-menu items but nothing seems to work. It seems to always default to the "display: none;" for the sub-menu.
Here is the URL for the site: http://fongconstruction.com
I’m not sure where to go from here, if there is a CSS fix that maybe I’m missing then any guidance would be helpful! Thanks in advance!
I was able to locate a solution by using a different selector that I had not thought of before:
First you need to delete below css from custom.cs(line number 1) and style.css(line number 844) https://prnt.sc/15pru62
Also you need to delete inline style(display: none) from sub menu https://prnt.sc/15ps03v
After that add this css