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I am stuck in resolving custom email templates to woocomerce. I read dozens of forums (Customize WooCommerce order email), and I do have my the custom email template in the right folder, but woocommerce does send the original one. I also tried to modify the plain email templates in the woocommerce folder, but it still didn’t work. I don’t understand from where can it take such a text, when I have deleted it from all occurences.

The path to my custom email template: mytheme/resource/woocommerce/emails, I tried also mytheme/woocommerce/emails

The path to the original templates: woocommerce/templates/emails and woocommerce/templates/emails/plain

I tried modifying all of them. In wp admin, I see the right, modified email templates, but still the system sends the original one.

Thanks in advance for any response!



  1. You need add folder woocommerce in your theme. Then you can override any template.

    For example:


    It’s work fine. I checked it.

    P.S Overriding templates

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  2. As you are using custom theme, It is mandatory to declare support for the external functionality.
    WooCommerce is one of the external functionality.So please add a theme support for the same.

    WooCommerce template overrides are only enabled on themes that declare WooCommerce support. If you do not declare WooCommerce support in your theme, WooCommerce will assume the theme is not designed for WooCommerce compatibility and will use shortcode-based unsupported theme rendering to display the shop.

    Add below snippet in your theme’s functions.php

     function mytheme_add_woocommerce_support() {
        add_theme_support( 'woocommerce' );
     add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'mytheme_add_woocommerce_support' );

    and then you can override the WooCommerce Template as per your need.


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