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I am trying to do a reverse lookup to get the Permalink to a product from its SKU. The output of which will be used to redirect old URLS to new ones.

I am having trouble understanding the relationships between the tables used in woocommerce. The products seem to be stored in wp_posts, and the SKU in wp_wc_product_meta_lookup however when creating a join in the database tables this does not bring up the expected data :

SELECT pml.sku,pml.product_id,wpp.guid FROM wp_wc_product_meta_lookup pml LEFT JOIN wp_posts wpp ON wpp.ID=pml.product_id WHERE pml.stock_status='instock'

In addition to this the guid in wp_posts is not the same as the actual product URL – the categories are different.





  1. You are correct. The product post itself is stored in wp_posts, however wp_wc_product_meta_lookup is actually a reference table that is used to speed up certain queries on the site. The actual SKU is stored in the wp_postmeta table under the meta_key of _sku. Here’s an updated query that gets you Product ID and SKU:

    SELECT wp_postmeta.meta_value as `sku`,
           wp_posts.ID as `product_id`
    FROM wp_posts
    INNER JOIN wp_postmeta 
           ON wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta.post_id
    WHERE wp_posts.post_type LIKE 'product%'
    AND wp_postmeta.meta_key = '_sku'

    Furthermore, you really should not us the GUID column for URLs. The GUID that WordPress uses is a fake unique identifier that just shows the URL of the page on the environment it was created on. You are much better off creating a script that will generate the permalink for you via get_permalink($post_id).

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  2. You could use the built-in WooCommerce function for this – wc_get_product_id_by_sku.


    echo get_permalink( wc_get_product_id_by_sku( 'SKU' ) );
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