Ajax not redirecting me to next page – Jquery ajax
I am trying to pass the ID of the clicked image to next page. When I developed my code, it didn't redirect me to the next page. When I click F12 and check the POST in network, it shows that…
I am trying to pass the ID of the clicked image to next page. When I developed my code, it didn't redirect me to the next page. When I click F12 and check the POST in network, it shows that…
i am trying to create a favorite button, that when clicked will favorite the message without reload. everything is coded correctly, except i am having trouble figuring out how i will send each message's individual ID to the ajax response.…
I have reached a point in my project where I cannot figure out how to use Ajax to keep going. I am new to using it, but I'd like to think that I have a basic understanding of how it…
This is my test.php code <input type="button" value="click me" name="my_btn" onclick="mybtn();"> <?php echo("before is set"); if(isset($_POST['hello'])=="dear"){ echo("after is set true"); } ?> <script src="vendor/jquery/jquery.min.js"></script> <script> function mybtn(){ $.ajax({ url:"http://localhost/mysites/php_two/test.php", method:"post", data:{hello:"dear"}, }); } </script> when button is clicked, page only…
I have a simple form with one input field and one submit button. When i click submit, i get error This is the query in php. Query: //Using MySQLi $stmt = $con->prepare("INSERT INTO `emailsubscribe` (email,medium,country)VAlUE(?,?,?)"); // Use prepared statements. $stmt->…
I am trying to retrieve a large amount of data from my server via a JQuery ajax GET request. The returned data is truncated (see image below). When I make the same exact request via my web browser by navigating…
i am trying to use ajax request in Laravel which searches records based on select2 input. Now i am transforming that data once i've fetched it, just to encrypt the ids. Here's how i get the records and transform their…
I'm trying to upload product to my PHP upload system, that includes multiple variables, images among them. I'm using ajax function to transfer string variables and newForm() (that related to images fetched from input[type="file"]). The main goal is to upload…
I have an ajax call that is not executing how I would expect. I am receiving an error from the browser of "jquery-1.10.2.js:8157 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'FileGuid' of undefined". I have break points in my CS file at…
Unable to send data to Node.js from my HTML/AJAX, I have variable selectValue which I want to send to my Node server. While making use of data: { selectValue: selectValue} does not help. index.html <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ var selectElement =…