Ajax POST with mysqli database query – Jquery ajax
I am trying to get Ajax to POST to another.PHP file in the same directory as the main index. The idea is that I want an online diary that people can write into and have it instantly updated in the…
I am trying to get Ajax to POST to another.PHP file in the same directory as the main index. The idea is that I want an online diary that people can write into and have it instantly updated in the…
I have tried to set the cache property to false on the AJAX request, but it did absolutely nothing. I am implementing a JS calendar and when you click on any day, it opens a popup overlay that also includes…
How to select <ul> inside <td> of selected row. here is my html and jquery code. Help me to resolve this issue. I am trying to select <ul> tag inside <td> to insert fetched data by ajax. this is jquery…
trying to load html page to div using jQuery ajax im pretty sure it's right but i don't know why exactly it's not working. that's my code: <div class="second"> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.4.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ $("button").on("click",function(){ $('#second').load($(this).data("page")); }); });…
I am very new to HTML/javascript and I have seen a bunch of questions like this but I can't seem to make head of tail of the solution provided. I have the following HTML code in the body section(including what…
I am trying to run a function twice passing in different params for both times the function runs. Although I think the correct params are being passed at the right time, at some point my variables are updated and I…
Scenario I've had a problem for 4 hours, I'm trying to send an http get request while sending the user ID as a parameter. I try a lot of examples found on the net but I still have this error…
I'd really appreciate any help! I have a working jquery script. When a div is clicked, it updates the css class to active and executes a working ajax response. I also have a filter functionality that works too. When a…
I faced an issue since I can't get a just created element with a PHP script. I have a list of tags loaded with PHP: <ul> <li> <input class="adm-checkbox" type="checkbox" name="check_list_tags[]" value="4"> Some tag <li> <ul> Thanks to AJAX I…
I did something similar, but not quite what I'm looking for. What I need is to load an url that is being typed down on an input. Eg. I type down "001.xml" and submit it and that is what is…