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WordPress – TypeError: Failed to execute 'arrayBuffer' on 'Blob': Illegal invocation – Insert blob into database

I have this javascript code which is supposed to create a screenshot of the image-container div and send it to a new php script: html2canvas(image-container).then(function (canvas) { canvas.toBlob(function (blob) { jQuery.ajax({ url:"//", type: "POST", data: {action: "addblobtodb", image: blob}, success:…

VIEW QUESTION – Keep the page unlocked after ModalPopupExtender displays

I am able to display the modal popup using the following code <asp:scriptmanager id="ScriptManager1" runat="server"> </asp:scriptmanager> <asp:button id="Button1" runat="server" text="Button" /> <cc1:modalpopupextender id="ModalPopupExtender1" runat="server" cancelcontrolid="btnCancel" okcontrolid="btnOkay" targetcontrolid="Button1" popupcontrolid="Panel1" popupdraghandlecontrolid="PopupHeader" drag="true" backgroundcssclass="ModalPopupBG"> </cc1:modalpopupextender> <asp:panel id="Panel1" style="display: none" runat="server"> <div class="HellowWorldPopup"> <div…


Html – Error 500 when I called webservice with AJAX

I have web service solution in Visual Studio with one parameter : Public Function CheckPalletInLocation(location As String) As String Dim ScaleConnnection As New SqlClient.SqlConnection("MYCONNEXION") Dim ScaleCommand As New SqlClient.SqlCommand ScaleCommand.Connection = ScaleConnnection ScaleConnnection.Open() ScaleCommand.CommandText = "SELECT DISTINCT LOGISTICS_UNIT FROM LOCATION_INVENTORY…

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