WordPress – Ajax result not returning data
I have a WP project where I'm trying to do some ajax filtering but I'm having some trouble returning any data from my initial ajax call. I have a list of posts that are custom post types, and I'd to…
I have a WP project where I'm trying to do some ajax filtering but I'm having some trouble returning any data from my initial ajax call. I have a list of posts that are custom post types, and I'd to…
I have made a blogging application in Laravel 8. I am currently working on submitting comments and comment replies via AJAX instead of doing it "classically". The comment form: <form class="commentForm" method="post" action="{{ route('comment.submit') }}" autocomplete="off"> @csrf <fieldset> <input type="hidden"…
In my App.tsx, I'm using a useState variable waitMessage to store string and a useState variable waitComp to store a component. waitMessage is passed as props to waitComp to show any text message whenever its values is updated. In useEffect,…
I need to use AJAX in WordPress to call a third-party API, and then based on the response to then update the state of some checkboxes. I've used AJAX before, but it has relied on the output of PHP function…
I'm making an app where users can upload multiple photos. When they open <input type="file" multiple>, I then listen on change event, create a faux array of those files and dynamically create images for the user to preview them before…
I am trying to disable a button if a condition met using ajax . But it is not working . function changeQuantity(cartId, productId, count) { $.ajax({ url: '/change-product-quantity', data: { cart: cartId, product: productId, count: count }, method: 'post', beforeSend:…
I have been learning how to setup and use ajax in PHP the past few days, and have hit a roadblock that I can't quite seem to Google my way out of. My webpage successfully calls api/api.php and can run…
I am developing a web application in Go. I have a drop-down list, it is formed from a template. <div class="dropdown"> <button onclick="myFunction()" class="dropbtn"> Удалить услугу</button> <ul id="myDropdown" class="dropdown-content"> {{range .}} <li>{{.Id}}</li> {{end}} </ul> </div> <script> function myFunction() { document.getElementById("myDropdown").classList.toggle("show");…
I have a PHP file that I am reloading multiple times into a div with an AJAX call. The fetched PHP file links to an external JavaScript file. The first time I retrieve the file, it works fine. However, when…
I am making an AJAX GET request, but the response I receive is not as expected. The response goes through, but the PHP variable is empty. Here is my jQuery: jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $.ajax({ url: '/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php', method: 'GET', data: { action:…