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Jquery – WordPress site – applying CSS when certain criteria are met

This is the div on the site for a particular booking - in this example the number 7568 is the tour ID. <div class="tourmaster-template-wrapper" id="tourmaster-payment-template-wrapper" data-ajax-url="" data-booking-detail="{&quot;tour-id&quot;:&quot;7568&quot;} > For particular tour ID's I would like to hide another div on…


JAVASCRIPT: Class method returns a promise. But I want it to return the resolved result. How do I rewrite the class method?

This is my class. export MyClass { private readonly ServiceEndpoint: string = "/xxx/xxx.DMS.UI.Root/Services/ConfigurationAPI.svc/";   public async GetAllCompanies(): Promise<CompanyDto[]> { return fetchAsync( `${this.ServiceEndpoint}Company`, 'GET' ) .then(value => value.GetAllCompaniesResult); } } Presently, this method returns a Promise <CompanyDto[]>. How do I rewrite…

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