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AWS IoT , Rules, Lambda Function, DynamoDB (storing streaming AWS iot core data to dynamoDB) – Amazon Web Sevices

I have refered this meduim article : Above is the full picture of the implementation. lambda function that I used for receiving data from iot core to dynamoDB is given below console.log('Loading function'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const dynamo =…


Not able to use GetItem() in dynamoDb for C# – Amazon Web Sevices

I want to get item from DYnamodb table using C# Here is my method public static dynamic Dynamodb() { string region = "us-east-2"; string tableName = "RetailTestData"; var credentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("awsAccessKeyId"), Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("awsSecretAccessKey")); var client = new AmazonDynamoDBClient(credentials, RegionEndpoint.GetBySystemName(region)); var…


Is there a way to create a DynamoDB table with TTL and PITR enabled with the Java AWS SDK? – Amazon Web Sevices

I'm trying to create a DynamoDB table programmatically in Kotlin using a CreateTableRequest: val createTableRequest: CreateTableRequest = CreateTableRequest.builder() .tableName(tableName) .billingMode("PAY_PER_REQUEST") .attributeDefinitions(attributeDefinitions) .keySchema(keySchema) .streamSpecification(streamSpecification) .globalSecondaryIndexes(globalSecondaryIndexes) .tags(tags) .build() dynamoDbClient.createTable(createTableRequest) I want to set the TTL and Point-in-time recovery (PITR) settings to true,…

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