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AWS DynamoDB Backup using CDK

I want to create a DynamoDB table and backup using AWS Typescript CDK. Creating DynamoDB using CDK is pretty straightforward, but implementing backup is not easy. Could anyone help me to implement a backup using CDK? I tried to solve…


How does one automatically format a returned dynamodb item so that it can be put back into dynamodb as-is or slightly modified? – Amazon web services

dynamodb yields an item in a string format: cdb = boto3.client('dynamodb', region_name='us-west-2') db = boto3.resource('dynamodb', region_name='us-west-2') table = db.Table('my-table') response = table.scan() my_data = response['Items'] foo = my_data[0] print(foo) # {'theID': 'fffff8f-dfsadfasfds-fsdsaf', 'theNumber': Decimal('1')} Now, when I treat this like…

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