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EKS – Kubernetes – nginx-ingress-controller-default-ingress-controller – open /var/run/secrets/ permission denied

we have an EKS cluster on 1.21. There is an nginx-ingress-controller-default-ingress-controller deployed with a Classic Load Balancer. Suddenly, its pods are crashing with following errors. I0815 04:40:04.970835 8 flags.go:204] Watching for Ingress class: nginx W0815 04:40:04.980149 8 flags.go:249] SSL certificate…


Amazon web services – How do I log into ECR to pull images if I can't use docker as a runtime?

One of the steps to log into ECR required to pull and push images is the following, according to AWS ( aws ecr get-login-password --region region | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin However, from starting from Kubernetes v1.24, Docker…


Amazon web services – Error when trying to pass the returned value to the provider block using the null resource & local_file data block

I am seeing the following error: Failed to parse host: parse "https://""n": net/url: invalid control character in URL, while performing terraform apply All I was trying to do is to use a null resource, to execute eks command, and output…

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