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AWS AssumeRole with Laravel Filesystem

I'm currently trying to figure something out. I have 2 AWS Accounts. Account A has a bucket called my_awesome_files. Account B has users, that would like to be able to see those documents in my_awesome_files. I have the following policies…


Amazon web services – Partial credentials found in explicit, missing: aws_access_key_id

I am trying to run the following code snipet (based on this code here): import boto3, os from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() AWS_ACCESS_KEY=os.getenv('AWS_ACCESS_KEY') AWS_SECRET_KEY=os.getenv('AWS_SECRET_KEY') translate = boto3.client( service_name='translate', region_name='us-east-1', aws_access_key_id=AWS_ACCESS_KEY, aws_secret_access_key=AWS_SECRET_KEY, ) result = translate.translate_text(Text="Hello, World", SourceLanguageCode="en", TargetLanguageCode="de") print('TranslatedText: '…

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