How to sync 2x AWS RDS instances
I have 2x RDS single instances (MySQL) in the same region. The goal is to copy (A) RDS to (B) RDS on nightly basis. Is there any way to have this configuration auto sync between 2 RDS instances?
I have 2x RDS single instances (MySQL) in the same region. The goal is to copy (A) RDS to (B) RDS on nightly basis. Is there any way to have this configuration auto sync between 2 RDS instances?
I have an RDS running in Region/AZ us-east-1f and an EC2 (after a reset to generate a new private key) running in us-east-1a. The EC2 can't reach the RDS and I think its because they're in different AZ's now. So…
I will start this by saying I have read all of the posts I have found on here regarding this issue and have troubleshot all of the solutions suggested, and none have worked. I have also tried all of the…
I've got a big table (~500m rows) in mysql RDS and I need to export specific columns from it to csv, to enable import into questDb. Normally I'd use into outfile but this isn't supported on RDS as there is…
Provided that EC2 and RDS are on the same VPC, is there an internal endpoint we need to use to speed up data exchange between the two? Similar to how if MySQL + Apache are on 1 server we would…
In AWS RDS Aurora - Monitoring section we notice that, even though most time there is no database activity (according to Monitoring and Performance Insights), We still notice that for the past weeks, Aurora Write IOPS was high at all…
Trying to upgrade AWS provider to version 4, but getting the following error in RDS module: Error: Conflicting configuration arguments │ │ with[0].module.rds.module.db_instance.aws_db_instance.this[0], │ on .terraform/modules/my-instance-mysql-eu.rds/modules/db_instance/ line 47, in resource "aws_db_instance" "this": │ 47: db_name = var.db_name │ │…
I am trying to save an array of values in AWS RDS. When I go into the RDS query editor I am able to run this insert without any issues: insert into picture_tags (picture_id, tag_id) values (picId, unnest(ARRAY[tagId1, tagId2])::uuid); (the…
Within our company we've the wish to connect to an AWS RDS postgres database based on a generated IAM token. Mostly, we use DBeaver to connect to databases. However, with DBeaver a .pgpass is necessary to make the connection. My…
I've set up a basic AWS RDS in the free tier. No public access but created a security group with my IP address added as an inbound rule. For authentication I have RDS password plus AWS IAM. I try to…