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I am using aws textract StartDocumentTextDetectionCommand and GetDocumentTextDetectionCommand. I want only lines to be returned, not the single words – Amazon web services

I am creating an OCR internal tool using aws textract and nodejs to detect text from a scanned pdf, specifically StartDocumentTextDetectionCommand and GetDocumentTextDetectionCommand. Currently returned in a list of block objects with the lines first and then starts detecting each…


Amazon web services – QuerieConfig not getting identified by AWS

I am running this code: response = textract.start_document_analysis( DocumentLocation={ 'S3Object': { 'Bucket': bucketname, 'Name': filename } }, FeatureTypes= ['QUERIES'], QueriesConfig={'Queries':[ {'Text':'{}'.format("Who are you?")} ]}, NotificationChannel={ 'SNSTopicArn': SNS_TOPIC_ARN, 'RoleArn': SNS_ROLE_ARN }, OutputConfig={ 'S3Bucket': OUTPUT_BUCKET_NAME } ) This is the error I…

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