Lambda timeout connecting to S3
I have an S3 bucket in Account A and a lambda function in Account B. I want the lambda to read the contents from the bucket, so have assigned the appropriate permissions to the IAM role and added that IAM…
I have an S3 bucket in Account A and a lambda function in Account B. I want the lambda to read the contents from the bucket, so have assigned the appropriate permissions to the IAM role and added that IAM…
I'm trying to deploy nested stack using command aws cloudformation deploy --stack-name "${STACK_NAME}" --template-file "${S3_ROOT_TEMPLATE}" --parameter-overrides ${PARAMS[@]} --region ${REGION} But despite the S3_ROOT_TEMPLATE having proper url, I get the error Invalid template path https://<s3-bucket-name> Any idea what's wrong with the…
I was going by this update for EKS and this blog from AWS This is a very cryptic line which never confirms whether EKS encrypts secrets or not by default In EKS, we operate the etcd volumes encrypted…
I have a nodejs lambda function that needs to search into an opensearch DB. I want to use the aws-sdk-v3. I found the doc here for OpenSearchClient: But as you see, there is almost nothing explained there. For example,…
Problem: I am running into an issue with my AWS EC2 instance where I am trying to ssh to the instance from both the mac terminal and Visual studio code. The ssh gets connected initially without any problem from the…
I have a Terraform codebase which deploys a private EKS cluster, a bastion host and other AWS services. I have also added a few security groups to the in Terraform. One of the security groups allows inbound traffic from my…
I'll start with describing the architecture of Application Load Balancer: We have the Application Load Balancer, which contains a list of one or more listeners. Each listener is associated with one specific port and protocol, so that traffic incoming to…
Getting error when trying to unload or count data from AWS Keyspace using dsbulk. Error: Operation COUNT_20221021-192729-813222 failed: Token metadata not present. Command line: $ dsbulk count/unload -k my_best_storage -t book_awards -f ./dsbulk_keyspaces.conf Config: datastax-java-driver { = [ ""]…
How do I configure a redshift lambda UDF to batch requests? On this page Creating a scalar Lambda UDF - Amazon Redshift it says in the note section: You can configure batching of multiple invocations of your Lambda function to…
Provided that EC2 and RDS are on the same VPC, is there an internal endpoint we need to use to speed up data exchange between the two? Similar to how if MySQL + Apache are on 1 server we would…