Amazon Workspaces create image with user setting – Amazon web services
Is it possible to create an image/bundle in Amazon WorkSpaces which keeps the user settings like extensions in the browser or the short cuts in the taskbar or start menu?
Is it possible to create an image/bundle in Amazon WorkSpaces which keeps the user settings like extensions in the browser or the short cuts in the taskbar or start menu?
I recently have restored S3 Deep Archive objects using Python. There are over a million of them and I need to make it sure clearly. If possible, I would like to use python to check if all objects have been…
I am implementing a multiregion solution using Cloudformation. Each region will have a number of lambdas, alarms, CW logs, etc. There are some resources that are specific only to one region: cloudfront, global tables, etc. I decided to create own…
I have json files in S3 bucket generated by AWS Textract service and I'm using Athena to query data from those files. Every file has the same structure and I created a table in Athena where I have column "blocks"…
I am trying to setup AWS Managed grafana using terraform. I am following this examples: I can able to setup the grafana via terraform. Then I created dashboard.json and tried to apply dashboard via terraform. But I am not…
I'll try to explain the issue that I'm facing with an example. I had following terraform code for creating multiple EBS volumes in loop. resource "aws_ebs_volume" "ebs_volume" { count = var.count_drive type = element(var.ebs_drive_type, count.index) size = element(var.ebs_devices_size, count.index)…
I would like to generate a pre signed PUT URL in order to upload images to my S3-Bucket. This works great with files of type text where the Content-Type:text/plain. Now I'm facing an issue, when I try the same with…
Error: error configuring Terraform AWS Provider: error validating provider credentials: error calling sts:GetCallerIdentity: operation error STS: GetCallerIdentity, https response error StatusCode: 403, RequestID: 95e52463-8cd7-038-b924-3a5d4ad6ef03, api error InvalidClientTokenId: The security token included in the request is invalid. with provider[""], on…
I have created a lambda function to send billing reports to certain email addresses, for that im using my email address and app password. I have saved the app password under secret manager as other api. When i try to…
I am getting this message when I try to create a crawler on AWS Glue: {"service":"AWSGlue","statusCode":400,"errorCode":"AccessDeniedException","requestId":"RequestIDNumber","errorMessage":"Account <AccountID> is denied access.","type":"AwsServiceError"} already attached all those policies below to the IAM All my Policies here Already setup permissions to the AWS lake…