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Amazon web services – Amazon DynamoDB taking long time to fetch record with high latency up to 5-6 second

pom.xml <dependency> <groupId>com.amazonaws</groupId> <artifactId>aws-java-sdk-bom</artifactId> <version>1.11.256</version> <type>pom</type> <scope>import</scope> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>com.amazonaws</groupId> <artifactId>aws-java-sdk-dynamodb</artifactId> </dependency> Client Code public static AmazonDynamoDB getDynamoDBClient() { return AmazonDynamoDBClientBuilder.standard().withRegion("ap-southeast-1").build(); } Now i am trying to execute a normal query having few records but it is taking long time…


Amazon web services – Is it possible to create a S3 Bucket in us-east-1 using AWS Python Boto3

Documentation import logging import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError def create_bucket(bucket_name, region=None): try: if region is None: s3_client = boto3.client('s3') s3_client.create_bucket(Bucket=bucket_name) else: s3_client = boto3.client('s3', region_name=region) location = {'LocationConstraint': region} s3_client.create_bucket(Bucket=bucket_name, CreateBucketConfiguration=location) except ClientError as e: logging.error(e) return False return…

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