Amazon web services – How to export lambda function zip
In older aws lambda UI there was an option to export function zip, but after the update the option is not there.
In older aws lambda UI there was an option to export function zip, but after the update the option is not there.
My terraform security local ec2 module looks like so resource "aws_instance" "mysql" { ami = instance_type = var.instance_type # override this at module call key_name = aws_key_pair.my_local_pubkey.key_name # override this at module call vpc_security_group_ids = [var.default_sg] # override security…
everyone. I'm here to ask a help with Amazon DynamoDB configuration in Node.js + Typescript backend. I'm trying to create a record to the dynamoDB database. I'm using Node.js + Express for the backend and faced this error when I…
AWS glue is new to me. I'm working with AWS Glue and I'm trying to read from RDS database table and write the data to an s2 bucket as a single csv file. I've setup an AWS Glue job using…
I want to create Hosted zones and Route53 records in it in AWS. For that reason I am creating such a variable: variable "hosted_zones_domains" { description = "Map of hosted zones to their domains and corresponding IPs" type = map(map(string))…
I tried using Amazon's instructions step by step in this article: Perhaps this article is outdated, incomplete or I have misunderstood something. I have done everything step-by-step on my free tier, and have verified and retried several times. I…
Just start to learn AWS. And couldn't figuring out why I can't connect to my new created instance. I'm using amazon 2023 linux, and allow http and https to connect. Also I created IAM roles for it. Here is the…
I have a lambda function that works as expected when my input is 2 or 3 words. But if I have 2 or 3 paragraphs, I get an error. # wc t.txt # returns 5 320 4867 t.txt There are…
I've created an RDS instance on AWS and am trying to connect to it using MySQL Workbench from my local machine. I've configured the RDS instance to be publicly accessible, it sits in a public subnet with access to an…
I am trying to creat an elastic bean stalk using IAC for that I am getting the error message "Resource handler returned message: "No Platform named 'arn:aws:elasticbeanstalk:us-east-1::platform/Python 3.7 running on 64bit Amazon Linux 2023/3.0.3' found. (Service: ElasticBeanstalk, Status Code: 400,…