Android Studio – What does too many positional argument mean in Flutter?
Dart Analysis Toolbar When I wrote this code in Android Studio, that is what came up in my dart analysis toolbar: The code I wrote How do I prevent this?
Dart Analysis Toolbar When I wrote this code in Android Studio, that is what came up in my dart analysis toolbar: The code I wrote How do I prevent this?
I have implemented a function to download aws s3 files using the following code: public void credentialsProvider() { CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = new CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider( getApplicationContext(), "us-east-2:xxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxx", Regions.US_EAST_2 ); setAmazonS3Client(credentialsProvider); System.out.println("setAmazonS3Client done"); } public void setAmazonS3Client( CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider credentialsProvider) { s3 = new…
I am trying to import a project from Eclipse into Android Studio. In Eclipse I exported it to gradle and then imported it into Android Studio. Note: I am new to gradle and have no insight to problem. Now I…
I am using firebase push notification and also my android device get notification too. if I get notification, while app is open and I can read "title" and "Message" and it take me to "UserDetailsActivity" a specific class .But I…
I have created very simple android studio project and modified nothing. Apk is get successfully decompiled using command apktool d test1.apk but when i do build the decompiled directory using command apktool b -o test_build.apk test1/ i'm getting error and…
Here is the structure of the application Main Activity --> movies fragment/series fragment --> recycle view via custom adapter --> card view XML layout the main activity dynamically selects the fragments based on the button selection. the movies/series fragments use…
I try build new release for google play, so I change version at file pubspec.yaml from 0.1.1+20220304 to 0.1.4+20220307, but after uploading, GPlay console return error: Version code 20220304 has already been used. Try another version code. I do not…
I think I know the answer to this, but... I enabled View Binding in a library module. Fine. I then take that .AAR and use it in another app, where I've not enabled View Binding. When I run that app…
I have an mp3 file for every word in my adapter so I want MediaPlayer to create a new sound based on the index of the RecyclerView To demonstrate what I want: if 0th index of the RecyclerView is Mother,…
I am using OSX Yosemite on my old mac. When I installed emulator and try to create a run a Flutter project, I started getting an error about JDK 17. I deleted JDK 17 and installed JDK and also set…