Android Studio – Pair new device over wifi not working in android studio bumblebee
when I try pair device with this, QR code and Pairing code not work and stuck in searching for device... I have phone with android 11 & 12 and Wifi debugging is on
when I try pair device with this, QR code and Pairing code not work and stuck in searching for device... I have phone with android 11 & 12 and Wifi debugging is on
I need my app to not reload when the orientation changes. I have a regular portrait and a seperate landscape layout that both have the same stuff on the screen. But when I check a checkbox and change layout, it's…
I'm having problems trying to consume my API, and after following up on this problem I'm stuck in the matter and I've tried different emulators in various versions and the problem persists. Error: DioError [DioErrorType.other]: HttpException: Connection closed before full…
Android Studio "Bumblebee" - 2021.1.1 Patch 2 I'm developing a mobile app with Flutter. When upgrading to this version of Android Studio, break points no longer work. They turn grey when I start debug mode: Is there a new setting…
Using Kotlin in Android Studio, I created a form where user can fill in necessary details AND click an imageButton to launch the camera, take picture and submit the form. I want to add a validation where the user is…
I'm having a problem updating an XML file Found data binding error(s): [databinding] {"msg":"u003cRelativeLayout idu003du0027@+id/rlSearchu0027u003e conflicts with another tag that has the same ID","file":"app\src\main\res\layout\home_fragment_new.xml","pos":[{"line0":105,"col0":20,"line1":140,"col1":37}]} [databinding] {"msg":"u003ccom.pets.igloopet.utils.CustomEditText idu003du0027@+id/IVsearchu0027u003e conflicts with another tag that has the same ID","file":"app\src\main\res\layout\home_fragment_new.xml","pos":[{"line0":123,"col0":29,"line1":137,"col1":69}]} [databinding] {"msg":"u003cRelativeLayout idu003du0027@+id/rlSearchu0027u003e conflicts…
My file shows an error by not picking ActivityDetailBinding. Other Activity files are working fine and I put; buildFeatures{ viewBinding true } in build.gradle file before start working on xml files. Only file is showing this error. Error…
I am trying to implement any kind of dependency ,in new android studio IDE which is stable in JDK 11, like payumoney or something else. It syncs successfully but when trying to use it in java file or xml file…
Since I upgraded my Android Studio installation to Bumblebee, the emulator has become unusable. It either crashes during startup or gets itself stuck so that the UI is unresponsive and the debugger either cannot install or cannot launch an app.…
A really weird thing started to happen and I can't find the answer. I am using real device, not emulator, to run my app and it was running just fine until now... The thing is if i am opening the…