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Android Studio – Kotlin issue while sum 2 variables

val btnAdd = findViewById<Button>( val btnSub = findViewById<Button>( btnAdd.setOnClickListener { val tx1 = findViewById<TextInputEditText>( val tx2 = findViewById<TextInputEditText>( var result = findViewById<TextView>( result.text = (tx1 + tx2).toString() } I want to sum tx1 and tx2 but i get this message…


Android Studio – I want to integrate Vimeo Api in to my android application to show my users the private videos in my Vimeo Account

I want to integrate Vimeo Api in to my android application and the problem is after i add the dependency like implementation "com.github.vimeo.vimeo-networking-java:vimeo-networking:3.12.0" implementation "com.github.vimeo.vimeo-networking-java:models:3.12.0" But after syncing with my project when i try to run the project or build…


Icons.remove_red_eye Hide Show – Flutter

I would like it to show and hide when eyes are clicked TextFormField( keyboardType: TextInputType.visiblePassword, obscureText: true, decoration: const InputDecoration( labelText: "Entrez votre mot de passe", border: OutlineInputBorder(), prefixIcon: Icon(Icons.lock), suffixIcon: Icon(Icons.remove_red_eye), ), ) I would like it to show…

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