android sdk manager not found, update to the latest android sdk. [flutter]
my flutter doctor i get this error when i run flutter doctor --android-licenses this is my env this is my cmdline-tools my android studio sdk manager
my flutter doctor i get this error when i run flutter doctor --android-licenses this is my env this is my cmdline-tools my android studio sdk manager
I have two Text Form Fields inside a Form in flutter. I have added validator to give warnings for invalid value. But I want the warnings to hide when the user starts typing again. How to hide these warnings? I…
I am getting this error un multiples projects, looks like gradle or a service is down i dont kwon what is happening, it could be a new update in the gradle or the android sdk if someone can tell me…
I have searched for cache in/of ExoPlayer but i neither understoond them nor could implement them correctly. In this asked question for using cache in Exoplayer there are some answers with sample code. The first answer that i'm not able…
I'm new to Android Studio and try to develop my first application. I have 3 activities MainActivity, DashboardActivity, and SplashActivity. DashboardActivity - protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_dashboard); Hooks(); allQuestionsList=listS; Collections.shuffle(allQuestionsList); modelClass = listS.get(index); setAllData(); } SplashActivity- public class…
Can anyone help me? I use Log.e("CHART_RESPONSE", "sus" ); to see where it executes, and it shows in OnFailure. I've been trying to solve it for the past three days but it still couldn't get it to work. Please help…
I am trying to use flutter_sound to record some audio and also use permission_handler to request permission for audio. However, I get this error No permissions found in manifest for: []33 Here is the setup for android androidappsrcmainAndroidManifest <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO"…
In my Flutter app project, The "bundle_id" that exists in the "google-services.json" is not the same as CFBundleIdentifier in info.plist and BUNDLE_ID in the "GoogleService-Info.plist". after changing the bundle id in the xcode and then run flutterfire configure nothing changes…
Currently, I can successfully compile and build an APK for my Flutter application without encountering any issues. However, as soon as I include the 'permission_handler' package, I am unable to do so. I have tried using multiple versions of the…
I'm trying to make a TextView blink while the user is in the Main Activity. I created a new thread but what happens is that the TextView's visibility turns on, than off and then the app closes itself with Android…