How to choose a flutter plugin quickly
I just know what I want to achieve. I have to go to the official website to search, but sometimes I can't find the most suitable one. The official website does not have the ability to sort by function, mainly…
I just know what I want to achieve. I have to go to the official website to search, but sometimes I can't find the most suitable one. The official website does not have the ability to sort by function, mainly…
So firstly, i have spend alot of time to connect the Flutter the Firebase, I'm not getting the previous errors but also i dont know if its connected or not. First the errors was in build.gradle file. That has been…
Using console.log statements is one of the most common patterns to debug in JavaScript applications in general, including React Native apps. Leaving the console statements in the source code when publishing React Native apps can cause some big bottlenecks in…
For debugging purposes, I often use console.log statements in React Native and Expo applications. I tried to comment all the logs, but Suppose when we are working on Big Project it is not possible to comment all the console log.
Trying to implement Firebase Cloud Messaging API (V1) as Cloud Messaging API (Legacy) is getting depreciated from 20/06/2024, I'm trying to generate API key for the new API v1, but there seems to be no way around it. The attached…
I need to create a cross platform application for a local sports club. The main features are: Members of the sports club should be able to log in and rsvp for sporting events like practices and tournaments. There should be…
I have a column with two buttons. at first I used maxSize for my Column and i set the vertical arrangement of my buttons to the bottom as you see in this picture. but I wanted to raise the buttons…
I following this Tutorial series on building chat app in android studio and I build a recycle view attached with Firebase database but It's not showing up. You can see in this image, It only shows the area recycle view…
What went wrong: A problem was found with the configuration of task ':react-native-async-storage_async-storage:copyReleaseJniLibsProjectAndLocalJars' (type 'LibraryJniLibsTask'). Gradle detected a problem with the following location: '/Users/admin/Desktop/WorkOnProjects/PartnerApp-new/node_modules/@react-native-async-storage/async-storage/android/build/intermediates/stripped_native_libs/release/out'. Reason: Task ':react-native-async-storage_async-storage:copyReleaseJniLibsProjectAndLocalJars' uses this output of task ':@react-native-async-storage_async-storage:stripReleaseDebugSymbols' without declaring an explicit or implicit dependency.…
After upgrading to flutter 3.19.0 i am getting the following error while running my application on android it is working fine on ios and when i open only android directory in android studio and run the project in that case…