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Html – 2 tooltips appearing on mousehover

This is my code. I am getting 2 tooltips in Safari. I want one tooltip that I have already prepared. Can you kindly let me know how to make the default browser tooltip disappear? <div []="'nodeRow-'" [ngClass]="'node-title-active':'node-title-inactive'" class="row node-title" (mouseenter)="overlayEffecton(node)"…


Html – disable p-dropdown option when options are display in ng-template for looping them

i am trying to disable option in p-dropdown but i use ng-template for looping the options here is my code any suggestions ? thanks <p-dropdown [options]="task.statusOptions" optionLabel="name" optionValue="id" (onChange)="updateTaskCurrentStatus($event, task)" appendTo="body" [placeholder]="this.dropdownPlaceholder(task)" > <ng-template let-status pTemplate="status"> <div [ngStyle]="{ color: status.uiSetting.color}"…


Azure – Request failed with status 400 – MSAL-NODE while calling networkClient.sendPostRequestAsync(tokenEndpoint, options)

I have implemented Azure authentiation in web API created in angular 10 application. While authenticating using URL "" I am getting Request failed with status 400 inside MSAL-NODE while calling networkClient.sendPostRequestAsync(tokenEndpoint, options). Here is detailed error I am getting and…

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