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Javascript – Angular: Can't bind to 'ngForOf' since it isn't a known property of 'li' (used in the '_AppComponent' component template)

I have a app.component.html file <div class="container"> <div class="ui card"> <h1>Team generator</h1> <ul class="list"> <li *ngFor="let member of members">{{ member }}</li> </ul> <div class="add-members-container"> <input type="text" name="" placeholder="name" id="" #addMemberInput (input)="onInput(addMemberInput.value)" /> <button (click)="addMember()">Add</button> </div> <div class="input-container"> <input type="text" placeholder="#number…


Html – I am trying to display two columns within a row in my ionic/angular project. the its just creating a stack where the other content is in the bottom

I am trying to display two columns within a row in my ionic/angular project. the its just creating a stack where the other content is in the bottom. this is also my css <ion-grid class="rewards-container" *ngIf="!noRewardsData"> <ion-row class="row-container"> <ng-container *ngFor="let…

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