Javascript – Angular changing JSON keys names
I am quite new to angular and working with API's... In my project I am using ngCharts and this chart requires that the keys names in JSON are "value" and "name"... what I get on the API I'm using is…
I am quite new to angular and working with API's... In my project I am using ngCharts and this chart requires that the keys names in JSON are "value" and "name"... what I get on the API I'm using is…
Using the example from CDK drag and drop, I want to add a preview of the dragged element with left and top positions without the transform style. HTML <div class="example-boundary"> <div class="example-box" cdkDragBoundary=".example-boundary" cdkDrag> I can only be dragged within…
app.component.html <div> <app-cards *ngFor=" let card of cards; index as i; first as isFirst; last as isLast; odd as isOdd; even as isEven" [cardIndex]="i+1" (outputValue)="onCardSelected($event)" [inputValue]="card" [class.isFirst]="isFirst" [class.isEnd]="isLast" [class.isOdd]="isOdd" [class.isEven]="isEven"> </app-cards> </div> cards.component.html <div> <h1>{{index + '. ' +}}</h1>…
How do we give image as logo for title bar ? I tried a image as logo for title as bar ,i used link tag to implemnt image, i also gave proper path to implement that image,but i couldn't do…
I have an use case in which I need to verify a few conditions. If the previous one fails I should not verify next one but based on the previous one I should display dialog with title and description indicates…
I have three check boxes (parent 1, parent 2, parent 3) and in those three two by default checked (parent 1, parent 3)and one unchecked (parent 2) and when I checked the unchecked checkbox (parent 2) and click on clear…
I have method at my front-end, where I get HTML in string from back end Here is it private async tryGetOooMessage(employeeId: string): Promise<string> { try { return await firstValueFrom(this.messages.getOutOfOfficeInternalMessage(employeeId)); } catch (e) { return ''; } } Result is: <div…
I can check if the object itself is null with (myObj | keyvalue)?.length. ( With JS I can check if the object contains only null values with Object.values(myObj).some(x => x !== null). But when I try to use this in…
I did a spmple backend in spring with a post that creates a new record in db and I'm trying to call it from frontend. I'm sure that backend side application works well because I've tested it on postman. frontend…
I am very new to TypeScript and Angular (version is the latest) and I need help. I have declared 2 interfaces, one nested within the other and is an array of the nested interface. export interface ModelOuter { modelInners?: ModelInner[];…