Javascript – How can I change the domain in Angular?
I have a project where the domain must be changed from test to firms, is there a way to change it?:
I have a project where the domain must be changed from test to firms, is there a way to change it?:
As part of angular 6 to 15 migration, I have to update jquery as well. earlier we have used "@types/jquery": "2.0.33" "jquery": "3.1.1" As part of package.json, since we have upgraded to angular, we have jquery as below: "jquery": "^3.6.4",…
I have the following piece of code: readonly todos$: Observable<Todo[]> = combineLatest([this.account$, this.loadTodoPage$]).pipe( concatMap(([account, pageNo]) => this.todoService.getTodos(, pageNo)), scan((acc: Todo[], curr: Todo[]) => [...acc, ...curr], []) ); This always loads a new page of todos from the backend when i…
I have an Angular app which depends on a script on a server, that isn't always stable. So sometimes it takes some time to get loaded. Therefore I added a defer-attribute on it. But the App waits until the download…
I'm trying to get my select tag to redirect me to a url that is in option value. For example this is my code: <select #selectElement (change)="redirectToUrl(selectElement.value)"> <option value="/add-product">Add a product</option> </select> And in .component.ts is: @ViewChild('selectElement', { static: false…
I'm trying to generate form controls dynamically on click of a button in Angular v14 html template i generate it but i'm facing that error in console. ERROR TypeError: feature_r5.get is not a function at PostAdvComponent_div_40_Template Html template code <div…
I want to create this page with the possibility to scroll on it if we need on each block, I'm going to add a specific component for the moment I m going to create these blocks each one with a…
I am using canvasjs-chart in my angular to draw chart.(I am new in Angular) here is my component ts code : import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'app-counter-component', templateUrl: './counter.component.html' }) export…
Im doing a simple app, but for some reason, the parent methods, that Im invokes in the template, are not working. Am I missing something? Seams like the template is executed before the TS is ready. Is this possible? If…
I am trying to retrieve an image from Azure blob, but I am getting a 403 response with the following message, "403 Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly including the…