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How do I move the focus effect of a mat-icon-button in CSS?

I have this button <button mat-icon-button color="black" style="height: 21px; bottom: 8px;" *ngIf="!transaction.HasMatch" (click)="matchPayable($event, transaction)"> <mat-icon style="line-height: 20px;">playlist_add</mat-icon> </button> The problem is, that when I click on the button, the focus is not exactly around the icon as in this screenshot.…


Can I parse a json obj in an angular service?

i'm new in Angluar ! and i'm trying to parse a reponse inside an angular service this.httpClient.get(this.url+formula).subscribe(response => { this.response = response }); reponse should be something like that : Object { code: 200, formula: "2", result: 2, status: "Success"…

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