Html – ngStyle parser error for giving background color
I have a table in which I want to give background color to some rows. The condition is that if the first data element of the row (which is going to be an icon) is archived icon, then I have…
I have a table in which I want to give background color to some rows. The condition is that if the first data element of the row (which is going to be an icon) is archived icon, then I have…
I am using a mat-paginator and it looks like this The only problem is that I want to erase the blue border that appears at the select input, but I can not figure out how to do it.
I was trying to set a boolean property for every object of an array. import { Component, OnInit } from "@angular/core"; import * as _ from "lodash"; @Component({ selector: "app-root", templateUrl: "./app.component.html", styleUrls: ["./app.component.css"] }) export class AppComponent implements OnInit…
I am trying to use this code - see this link angular stackblitz link I am using angular 15. When I download the code and run it locally it is displayed vertically Any ideas what I need to do to…
I have to create a table whith elements like: Header1 Header2 Header2 Data1 Data2 Data3 I have headers and data taken from api call. I have tried something like: <table class="table"> <div *ngFor="let element of apiResp"> <tr> <th>{{element.header}}</th> <td>{{}}</td> </tr>…
Can somebody please help me to reduce the gap between fields in Angular Material using fxLayout. I am trying to place 5 fields in one row but for some reason the last feild goes on the next line. If I…
I have a container div which holds a list of 'cards.' Currently, I am using display: inline-block to get things to list appropriately. It works well enough, but due to the size of the cards if there is not enough…
with *ngFor i am able to render the data, but it throws this error ERROR Error: NG0900: Error trying to diff '[object Object]'. Only arrays and iterables are allowed Here is my service method async getEditions(): Promise<Observable<Cigales>> { return this.http.get<Cigales>(url+"/candidates/editions",…
simple code is written. <header> <div> <img src="../../images/bonjour_logo.png" alt=""> </div> </header> I'm just trying to get this image into my header and I'm getting this error: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)…
My current environment is using an Angular frontend and Node Backend. The line that is flagging is down below in the Controller code. res.send(rows); Our database is Oracle so we are using the the package: Example GET Request from…