Using Async and Await inside for loop in flutter
In my case, I have a list which contains some data. I need to give each data to api one by one.There are also some 'other functionalities' that I am doing before each api call to give some data to…
In my case, I have a list which contains some data. I need to give each data to api one by one.There are also some 'other functionalities' that I am doing before each api call to give some data to…
I have a React app where I'm trying to create a POST request using Axios, but it doesn't seem to work. The strange part is I have checked my backend route and tested it with Nodemon. everything is working fine…
Get an Error: type String is not a subtype of type Map String, dynamic import 'package:ajooyo/features/products/models/product_model.dart'; class CartItem { final Product product; final int quantity; final String id; CartItem({ required this.product, required this.quantity, required, }); factory CartItem.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)…
client/ scriptWhichMakesApiCall/ await axios.get("http://localhost:${REACT_PORT}/api/product-category"); Doing "npm run build". REACT_PORT value is baked into build. server/ express which dynamically assigns itself some PORT. What modificatoins can i make to my codebase, so that my build react app makes call to the…
I'm trying to create an API in Laravel, is there an api.php file in the routes folder in Laravel? or does it have to be done manually? because when I created it the file didn't appear I tried looking for…
I am building a guessing game built wtih react and "artsy.api". The guessing game can be accessed through my index page by clicking a button. <Link to="/guessing-game"> {" "} {/* Link to Guessing Game page */} <Button type="primary">Play Guessing Game</Button>{"…
I'm building a simple React app and want to display TripAdvisor photos of a specified city. TripAdvisor has an API to do this, and when I make a request through Postman, no issue. I get the data perfectly. When I…
Let me explain what I want to achieve and what I have tried. //The Problem I have an API endpoint built with nextjs API Url Remote: - API Url Local - http://localhost:3000/api/portfolio this is the API for the portfolio…
I never thought I'd have to make my own question, but here I am. I'm new to React. I have a problem with getting a specific data from API. Other is fine, but with src={${cityData?.weather[0]?.icon}@2x.png} I get the error "Cannot…
I am working on an API and i'm trying to create a Flask route to fetch my data but there is a problem. When converting my dataframe into a json. The date column 'Mon, 15 Apr 2024 11:20:20 GMT' becomes…