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Javascript – DELETE Swagger API entry with JS

I'm trying to delete entry [i] from Swagger API with a button. function deleteWork(id) { fetch("http://localhost:5678/api/works/" + id, { method: "DELETE", headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, body: JSON.stringify( { "id": id }) }) } The following code is inside a for loop,…


Reactjs – React axios get parameter is undefined

I want to get some data from an api with a parameter current user's username. useEffect(()=>{ console.log(currentUser[0]?.id.toString()) if (currentUser) { console.log(currentUser[0]?.id.toString()) axios.get(`${currentUser[0]?.id.toString()}&user2=`).then(res=>{ setUsers( console.log( }) },[currentUser]) When I print currentUser[0]?.id.toString() I get user's id but when I send the request…

VIEW QUESTION – After saving the data to the database once, it does not save the second one

I'm pretty new to this industry. This is the Create method in BaseRepository: public async Task CreateAsync(TEntity entity) { await _db.Set<TEntity>().AddAsync(entity); await _db.SaveChangesAsync(); } This is the Create method inside the UserService class. public ResultService<UserCreateDTO> Create(UserCreateVM userCreateVM) { ResultService<UserCreateDTO> result…

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