Reactjs – Set header in graphql
I want to set auth in req header to specific value but after I tried different methods and check req from browser my key is not in the req header I am using Reactjs ,vite ,@apollo/client and running inside docker…
I want to set auth in req header to specific value but after I tried different methods and check req from browser my key is not in the req header I am using Reactjs ,vite ,@apollo/client and running inside docker…
Here's my sample code: const { getConversionList, conversionList } = useConversion(); useEffect(() => { getConversionList(); }, []); useConversion is a GraphQL resolver hook, I'm getting Linting error to add dependency. But if I add dependency then it is an infinite…
I am learning graphql, and want to find out how to use the type of object which we are getting in result. as we are requesting like const GET_CHARACTERS = gql` query { characters{ results{ id name image gender }…
we use useQuery hook in the following way function Dogs({ onDogSelected }) { const { loading, error, data } = useQuery(GET_DOGS); if (loading) return 'Loading...'; if (error) return `Error! ${error.message}`; return ( <select name='dog' onChange={onDogSelected}> { => ( <option key={}…
Apollo Client Query `export const GET_PROJECT = gql` query singleProject($projectId: ID!) { getProject(projectId: $projectId) { _id name description status } } ;`` useQuery const { projectId } = useParams(); const { loading, error, data } = useQuery(GET_PROJECT, { variables: {…
I am trying to call the useQuery hook (something not allowed outside of functional components), in a redux toolkit slice. Is this something that is doable, perhaps using createAsyncThunk or some similar method? My application is built with the MERN…
I'm developing an application using a GraphQL client and React. In the main directory, I have a section where events are listed, and in the .../new directory, I have a form to add new events. When I add an event…
all, I'm still getting comfortable with both Typescript and with Apollo Server, and I'm looking for a method I'm not finding. I'm dealing with an addUser mutation, with unique username and email address required. When the validation passes, everything works…
I tried @apollo/client with this starting apollo client document but wanted to use Vite instead of CRA. I imported the modules in main.jsx like this: import { ApolloClient, InMemoryCache, ApolloProvider, gql, } from "@apollo/client/core"; const client = new ApolloClient({ uri:…
I am fetching data from a graphql API, and after fetching the data once, I want it to persist on page reloads, and it should only make a new API call when the query changes. I'm using @apollo/client to fetch…