Xcode – Asset validation failed
I am trying to upload an app to apple store and this is my first time. I am currently using Transporter when I try to upload an app I keep getting errors "Asset validation failed. Missing or invalid signature. The…
I am trying to upload an app to apple store and this is my first time. I am currently using Transporter when I try to upload an app I keep getting errors "Asset validation failed. Missing or invalid signature. The…
Overview So I can use Applescript to get the Title of a page using: tell application "Google Chrome" to return title of active tab of front window If I have, for example, the page https://www.amazon.co.uk/Agua-Brava-Men-EDC-Splash/dp/B000E7YK0U/ open, I can see the…
So I want to do some web scraping, using AppleScript to run javascript code on a webpage. I have the following code: (edited to remove proprietary data) function inputPunch(date_string) { // do task 1 wait(3000); // do task 2 wait(3000);…
I have a todo-sample.txt that contains these 50 lines todo-sample.txt Optimize website images Add pagination to blog post pages Implement a responsive design for the website Improve website load speed Update website copy for SEO ... I'm trying to write…
I'm using AppleScript to control Safari. Now I need to execute a Javascript in Safari using AppleScript's do javascript to evaluate an Xpath and use the return values in the AppleScript This works $x('//div/div/a').map(link => link.href) But when I try…
I have an iMac 2017 with Monterey 12.6. I am forced to call my API in python to have a correct JSON structure for results. For information, this is the URL that I call in python (coingecko limits the result…
I want to open a new terminal tab as part of a project I'm working on requires that I run another script in a new tab once I've got the first portion running. But I am not seeing how to…
Trying to create an AppleScript executable for MacOS 11.5 using Xcode 13 with AppleScript framework. Right out of the box (no processing on my part), the delegate icon on the IB display does not point to the default AppleScript code.…
I need to execute some keystrokes by applescript (for example, cmd + t to create a new tab) in some app (for example, safari browser). So, I've written a code: tell application "Safari" to activate tell application "Safari" set wList…
How to write the code correctly? I run the application Photoshop in the automator I'm waiting for it to fully load Then I press 10 times Tab and press Enter. I've tried that: enter image description here Looks like that…