Extracting Reoccurring Values From PHP Array
I have an array that contains duplicate IDs, which need to be extracted, but only if there is a total equal to X. X will vary and would need to be set as a variable in the function. In this…
I have an array that contains duplicate IDs, which need to be extracted, but only if there is a total equal to X. X will vary and would need to be set as a variable in the function. In this…
I want to use filter on my function, but I have a little problem. So, I have this response, here I want to filter by "NAVE" [ { "codicePat": 93009428, "dataInizioAttivita": "1992-03-01", "dataCessazione": "0001-01-01", "descrizioneTipoCertificato": "NAVE", }, { "codicePat": 93009429,…
Let's say I have an array as follows: [100,2,3,4,200,35,42,300,4,4,4,6,7,400,2] And I want to create a map, like so: { { key: 100, value: 2 }, { key: 100, value: 3 } { key: 100, value: 4 }, { key: 200,…
How to remove specific words on a string (and add the word "and" if possible) that are repeated twice but only twice and only certain characters? Example: "Intruction in seated LE AROM x10 each instruction in standing LE AROM x10…
I am trying to push the correct guess into an array and print out how many guesses it took (in this case one, cause I'm just inputting the correct one) and then printing out what that guess was, but I…
concat(array) vs push(...array) I've been using .push(...) method to concatenate 2 arrays unpacking the second array, using the three dots notation, and passing that as the argument (array1.push(...array2)). But I just noticed that .concat(...) does the same thing, at least…
So I have a html node for some tasks that user can create, when user clicks sort by date I want it to be sorted and changed in the html and other way round but I don't know how to…
This is the array what I am getting [ { id: 1, name: 'hello world', reference_id: null }, { id: 2, name: 'hello world', reference_id: null }, { id: 3, name: 'hello world', reference_id: 1 }, { id: 4, name:…
I'm scraping https://naamhinaam.com/baby-girl-names-a?page=${pageNumber} website, and after doing that so, puppeteer throwing an empty object without value. here is my code : const puppeteer = require("puppeteer"); const express = require("express"); const cors = require("cors"); const app = express(); app.use(cors()); let data…
I need some help removing values from an array. This is the array [ { "label": "One", "value": "one" }, { "label": "Two", "value": "two" }, { "label": "Three", "value": "three" }, { "label": "Four", "value": "four" }, { "label":…